CKI is one of Australia’s established environmental consultancies with over 30 years’ continuous experience in Queensland. We provide a comprehensive range of environmental services to clients whose businesses are in mining, energy, infrastructure, land development and utilities.
Air & Water Quality
CKI has extensive experience and the technical skill in a wide variety of water and air quality monitoring, sampling and assessment. CKI can oversee the development, approval and implementation of a range of water and air quality investigations, management plans and programs across all industry sectors using the latest and most practical sampling technology.
CKI’s biodiversity team has a comprehensive level of botanical experience throughout Western Australia, which together with an in-depth knowledge of policy and legislation leads to targeted and purposeful flora and fauna surveys.
Contaminated Sites
CKI’s contaminated Sites team has significant practical experience in contaminated site assessment with a thorough understanding of the requirements of the Contaminated Sites Act (2003). Our team typically provides services to small businesses, government, land development, mining and infrastructure projects.
CKI’s offers a range of geospatial services that help our clients collect, analyse, present and store their valuable spatial data. Our team processes RGB, multi spectral, Radar data sources and undertake complex spatial data analysis and modelling tasks.
Mine Closure
CKI’s assists clients to develop Mine Closure Plans that are approved by the regulatory authorities and are practical, achievable, cost-effective and focused on site specific closure risks. We have a team of technical specialists who have developed and implemented closure plans compliant with Queensland regulatory requirements for large scale (>20 years) as well as short mine life operations (<3 years).
Oil Spill Scientific Monitoring
Astron offers oil and gas clients an industry-leading solution for scientific monitoring to complement any oil spill response strategy. Our tailor made subscription service offers client’s convenience during oil spill response, ensures compliance with NOPSEMA requirements and draws from a pool of over 100 experienced scientific monitoring personnel.